CPC/Family Engagement

This year at DECA PREP, we are bringing back our tradition of family engagement and community.  We are a charter school that believes in the power of relationships and and in our DECA Families.  

CPC = Classroom Parent Community.  

Classroom Parent Community pretty much brings the family feel back to our classroom.  Teachers and parents get on the same page as they work together.  These gatherings will create new bonds as  parents relate to their teachers as well as parents to other classroom parents.  There is nothing like knowing the families that share in your child's experience of DECA everyday.  CPC is a chance for you to have a voice and be a part of the DECA Family as we share life, food, and experiences together.  Watch for announcements.

Family Engagement Nights

Family Engagement Nights on the other hand are experiences for you and your family to come and enjoy together.  These are not for children only but will benefit the entire family.  Watch the calendar and come enjoy time with your family and ours on these engagement nights.


Past Events

Parents gather at our Jan. CPC
Parents together at CPC

Parent Power

CPC families

DECA PREP's Fall Festival

It was a perfect night for our families to come out and have some fun connecting as a community.  

From dancing, to cotton candy, from book donations to Girl Scout sign ups - it was a fantastic time for all.  

Can't wait for our next event.